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1. What is Domain Name ?

Your domain name can be thought of as two things:

  1. It can be compared to your business address where customers come to see you. But more importantly it is your internet identity.
  2. Your domain name is the way people will remember you by. Since no two parties can ever hold the same domain name simultaneously, your internet identity is totally unique.

2. Why should I Register Domain Name ?

A domain name will give you a unique identity on the Internet. In some ways, a domain name is similar to a customized license plate. Many organization find it useful to have an e-mail or Web address that is similar to their company name or to their company product(s).

If your organization's name is Example, Inc., you could register the domain name EXAMPLE.COM and your e-mail address could be Your customers would also be able to access your organization's Web site by visiting "" with their Web browser.

3. How long does it take to get my domain name registered ?

The registration of a new .com, .net or .org, .biz, and .info domain name with J-INFO typically takes between 24-72 hours.

If after a few days, your domain name has not been registered, please contact our Billing department at

4. What is Domain Forwarding ?

Domain Forwarding allows you to create domain pointers. A domain pointer is a second domain name that points to any Website you wish. For instance, if your business Website is, your domain pointer could be or